Jelly Beans

We are delighted to announce that St. Peter’s, Hixon is now the new home of community group ‘Jelly Beans Bumps, Babies and Little Buddies’.
Opening doors to mums, dads, grandparents, carers and little ones from bump to toddler every Tuesday during term time from 2.00pm – 3.00pm. 

About Us

Jelly Beans is an inclusive, community-focused group with the aim to provide a friendly meeting place for bumps, babies, little buddies and their grown-ups. The group meets weekly (every Tuesday in term time from 2.00pm – 3.00pm) in the Library at St. Peter’s CE Primary School, Church Lane, Hixon, ST18 0PS.

We welcome all parents and carers of little people from bump to toddler, be that mums, dads, grandparents, childminders etc. The group is run and partly funded by St. Peter’s CE Primary School, Hixon and is led by Miss Mandi Lamb (the school’s out of school club manager), supported by Mrs. Birchenough (Early Years Lead Teacher) and the Early Years team. 


Weekly Activities

Each week the group has a theme for play activities(eg. Christmas, Chinese New Year, Transport, Food etc.) and a selection of free-play, craft and messy-play activities are available for children to engage in, with the support of their adult in setting. A short group activity is also planned for each session to support children in learning with others. This activity usually includes story time, sensory play or singing which parents/carers are invited to join and support their little ones. 




Within the weekly group fee, children are provided with a small healthy snack and a drink at snack time and there are hot drinks and biscuits available for the grown-ups.



A registration form is completed during a families first session at Jelly Beans. This information is used to ensure that all medical, dietary and special needs of families are met during the sessions. At this point you can opt-in or out of Early Years communications from the school and give/not give your permission for photographs of your family to be used on social media, school websites and/or advertising for the group. You can choose to re-register and change your consent and permissions at any time. More information about how we use your data is included in the group’s Privacy Notice below. 


Jelly Beans Registration Form

Jelly Beans Privacy Notice 2023



Jelly Beans is currently offered free at the point of use in order to enable as many families as possible to come along and join in the fun. 


Parent/Carer Agreement

 When you sign in each week you are agreeing to follow a few simple ground rules that ensure everyone has an enjoyable time at Jelly Beans.

  • Your child’s safety and the way they relate to and play with other children, are your responsibility. Please intervene with your child if others are at risk of being hurt!
  • If another parent expresses concern about something your child has done, listen graciously. Explore each other’s point of view even if you don’t agree or feel you have been misunderstood. Stay friends!
  • Take care of and encourage your children to look after the room, the equipment and each other.
  • Do not use mobile phones/ take photographs of children in the setting. Use this time to switch off and chat with other parents/carers. (If you do need to take a call, please speak to a staff member to find out where you can do this safely).
  • Please keep lids on hot drinks and only drink in designated areas, away from where children are playing.


Risk Assessments

The risk assessment for this group is available on the Jelly Beans section of the school website which is available for you to review here.

Jelly Beans Risk Assessment



We have an obligation to report, to the appropriate authorities, any instances where we consider that a child may have been neglected or in some other way harmed either physically or emotionally. We may do so without your consent and/or without informing you. The group follows the Mid-Trent MAT Safeguarding and Child Protection policy, which is published in full on the school website [Access via Key Information, Policies]. 



You are welcome to park at the rear of the school site for the duration of the Jelly Beans session. Please note that the school gates are closed from 3.15pm – 3.40pm to allow St. Peter’s children to leave the site safely, therefore if you have not left the site before 3.15pm, you will be asked to wait until 3.40pm.



If you have any suggestions or ideas about how we can do things differently, please let us know. This is your group and your input is always welcome.



For more information please visit us on Facebook ‘Jelly Beans, Hixon’, come along to a session or contact Miss Mandi Lamb on (01889) 270233 or email: