Online Safety

Do you worry about what your children are doing online?


Do you know how to keep them safe in the digital world?


Online safety at home and school is an important part of keeping our children safe at St. Peter’s Church of England Primary School. Technology can provide great rewards to those that learn to use it well, however it is up to us, school and parents, to make sure that our children receive those benefits whilst, at the same time limiting the risks and educating our young people to consider carefully their interactions in the digital world.


In school, we have extensive security measures in place, which are monitored both internally and externally, to safeguard pupils from potential dangers or unsuitable material. Any online safety incidents are recorded and managed in accordance with our online safety policy, and a comprehensive programme of e.Safety is taught to pupils from Reception to Year 6. We believe that it is vital that pupils in our school gain a clear understanding of the dangers associated with using digital technologies and we therefore take a pro-active approach, by teaching children about the potential dangers and giving pupils positive strategies to deal with them.


However, we can only be successful in keeping children safe online if we work with parents to ensure the online safety message is consistent. This page, along with our eSafety workshops and regular e-Safety updates, shared via Class Dojo, seeks to provide parents and carers with practical suggestions to keep children safe online at home.


We hope you find the following resources useful and would welcome any suggestions of further resources which you think pupils or parents might find useful.


If you have any concerns or questions regarding your child’s online safety, please do not hesitate to speak with us in school and we will do all we can to support you in ensuring your child’s online safety. Alternatively you can report harmful content online through the national reporting tool using the button below. 


SWGfL Report Harmful Content


Our school e.Safety coordinator is Mr Gray. 

Latest Parent Safety Information on Specific Devices


Playstation 4

Nintendo Switch

Amazon Fire Tablet

Google Chromebook

Further Information and Useful Websites



CEOP is the police website for Child Exploitation and Online protection. Through this site you can find useful information to keep your child safe as well as a reporting feature which allows you to report distressing and criminal online activity directly. 


Safer Internet

Offers four practical steps to engaging with young people about eSafety as well as a very comprehensive ‘parent’s guide to technology’ which gives background on adding parental controls to most common games consoles, search engines and mobile phones.


Google Safety Center

A simple tool to help you set security measures on your home devices which are suitable for your family’s needs.



Practical advice regarding starting the conversation, potential dangers and tools to increase security at home for primary and secondary age pupils.


NSPCC Share Aware

The latest NSPCC campaign to protect children using social media – offers useful advice and information as well as places to go for further help and support. 


National Online Safety

This site offers training for parents and carers as well as a useful ‘News’ section which is useful in keeping you up to date with the latest online safety risks and strategies to mitigate these. Please find below a selection of their informative posters which provide an insight into the how these apps work and how best to safeguard your child if they are using these. You can visit the website to find many more helpful resources which will support you in discussing these platforms with your child.