
At St. Peter’s we are proud of our school and our school family and we demonstrate this through wearing our uniform. The wearing of our school uniform, as specified below, is mandatory for all learners at all times.

All uniform items should be labelled with your child’s name to help us in returning any lost property to you.

Day to day School Uniform

Essential Items

Optional Items

Available from school uniform suppliers.

Plain grey trousers

Plain grey skirt

Plain grey shorts

Plain grey pinafore dress

Blue and white gingham summer dress


Royal blue sweatshirt or cardigan with St. Peter’s School Logo (available from school uniform suppliers)


Plain white polo shirt

White polo shirt with school logo.

Black sensible school shoes (please note that black trainers of any kind and shoes with heels are not permitted).


A warm waterproof coat

School logo fleece/ coat to be worn in addition to school jumper.

A named book bag (Reception and KS1)

School logo book bag (KS1)

A named school waterbottle



PE Kit

to be worn to school on PE days

Essential Items

Optional Items

Available from school uniform suppliers.

Outdoor trainers


Plain black Jogging Bottoms

Plain black Sports Leggings

Plain black Shorts


Plain royal blue crew neck t.shirt

Royal blue school sports top – with school logo and branding (available from school uniform suppliers).

Plain black sweatshirt

Black and gold school sports hoodie – with school logo and branding (available from school uniform suppliers).

Stockists of St. Peter’s CE Primary School Uniform

Crested Schoolwear


35-36 Gaolgate Street

Stafford, ST16 2NT


Tailored Branding


Wolseley Court, Staffordshire Technology Park

Beaconside Road, Stafford


If you need any financial help with purchasing school uniform, please speak with us and we will do all we can to help. A second-hand uniform and swap-shop is run by the PTFA through a dedicated Facebook site which can be accessed here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/stpetershixonuniform/


Learners are permitted to wear a non-valuable wristwatch and plain stud earrings to school. All other items of jewellery are not allowed for school. Please note that children must be able to remove their own earrings for swimming and P.E. in order to comply with Health and Safety guidelines.


Long hair should be tied back for school each day, this is better for learning and also reduces the risk of headlice. To maintain the exceptional levels of professionalism in school, you are kindly requested to avoid having hair cut excessively short or with fashion tramlines etc.  

Make-Up and Nail Polish

The wearing of make-up, including nail polish, is not allowed.