Early Years Adventure

Welcome to Early Years, where adventure awaits! 


Early Years’ Teaching and Learning Team: 

Mrs M Simanwe (Class Teacher)

Mrs J Deebank (Higher Level Teaching Assistant)

Miss R Beech (Early Years Teaching Assistant)

Mrs L Rowsell (SEN Teaching Assistant)

In Early Years we learn through play, making the most of both planned experiences and spontaneous opportunities for learning and development.


Our School Day

For very young children, routine and structure is really important. Our daily timetable includes some daily whole-class sessions to give the day regularity and repetition, as well as having time for more organic learning opportunities and child-initiated learning. A normal day in reception class looks like this:

Forest Play

As part of our weekly activities, we offer learners the opportunity to take part in Forest School activities.

Here at St. Peter’s, we are lucky to our very own Forest School on site and during the Reception year, learners have a weekly opportunity to go out into the woods in their wellies, get mucky and learn all about the amazing world around us.

The Early Years Curriculum

Please use the arrow keys below the presentation to view the key principles of our Early Years curriculum at St. Peter’s. 

Our Learning Adventure 2023-2024

Autumn 1 Autumn 2 Spring 1 Spring 2 Summer 1 Summer 2