Inspection Reports

As a Church school we are regularly inspected by both Ofsted and SIAMs (Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools).  Highlights from both our most recent inspections are included below as well as links to the full reports.


Last Inspected: 18th May 2023

Outcome: The distinctiveness and effectiveness of St. Peter’s Church of England Primary School is ‘Excellent’. 


  • St Peter’s doors have been opened wide to serve the local community of Hixon.
    Leaders and staff are changing lives through their committed living out of the school’s
    Christian vision. Their work is transformative.
  • The deeply-rooted Christian vision lies at the heart of strategic planning and decision
    making. Leaders are ably supported in this work through strong and mutually
    beneficial partnerships with key stakeholders.
  • The spiritual life of the school is strong with richly planned spiritual opportunities
    woven throughout the curriculum.
  • Collective worship is expertly led by the headteacher. Pupils are fully involved in the
    planning, leadership and evaluation of worship. Pupils of all ages are able to articulate
    the transformational impact that worship has on their daily lives.
  • Leaders have developed an aspirational curriculum for religious education (RE). Pupils
    of all ages flourish in RE as a result.

Interested parties can download the school’s latest SIAMs report in full here:

2023 SIAMs Inspection Report – St. Peter’s CE Primary School, Hixon


Last Inspected: 18th December 2018

Outcome: This school continues to be good.


  • School leaders work together well so that pupils achieve high standards.
  • Attainment is above the national average in the early years, in the phonics
    screening check, at the end of key stage 1 and at the end of key stage 2.
  • Pupils behave well. They have positive attitudes to their learning and play well
  • together at break times.
  • Parents are very positive about the school. Many said their children ‘love school’.
  • The school currently has the highest attendance rate in the county.
  • Parents appreciate the good communication and the good progress their children make.
  • Leaders have developed a curriculum that interests pupils and engages them well in their learning.
  • The teaching of reading has a high priority and pupils are taught effectively

Interested parties can access the school’s latest and previous Ofsted report in full through this link: