Local Academy Committee

At St Peter’s we are proud to be part of the Mid-Trent Multi-Academy Trust. As part of the trust, we are accountable as a school to a number of boards and committees who all work together to ensure that our mission is realised through all that we do.

Together, they fulfil the Department for Education’s core strategic functions for effective governance, as outlined in the Governance Handbook.

The Department for Education states that all Governing Boards should have three core strategic functions:

1. Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction;

2. Holding executive leaders to account for the educational performance of the organisation and its pupils; and the effective performance management of staff; and

3. Overseeing the financial performance of the organisation and making sure its money is well spent.

Mid-Trent MAT Members’ Board

Members hold ultimate accountability for the schools within the MAT and have the power to appoint and remove directors.  Members sign off directors’ annual financial statements and report.

For more information about our members, click here.

Mid-Trent MAT Board of Directors

The main responsibilities of the directors board is to ensure the quality of educational provision within the MAT schools and to ensure that operation is in accordance with the Funding Agreement between the MAT and the Education Funding Agency (part of the Department for Education).  Directors report annually to the members on progress and present their financial statements and annual report.  Within the Board of Directors there is a separate Finance committee which provides financial oversight to other members of the Board.

For more information about our board of directors, click here.

St. Peter’s Local Academy Committee

Each school within the MAT maintains a school specific Local Academy Committee (LAC). The main responsibilities of the LAC are to support the vision of the MAT; to provide a monitoring role in connection with the operations of the school and to represent the views of the local community.  LAC members report to directors through approved minutes and regular meetings of the Chair’s forum.  All LAC members are invited to attend all meetings to enable them to gain valuable insight into all aspects of school-life. The St. Peter’s LAC acts as a critical friend to the school and the MAT more widely, challenging us to fulfil our school mission through all that we do.

St. Peter’s LAC Documents 2023-2024

LAC Member Information 2023-2024

Summary of LAC Attendance 2023-2024

Summary of LAC Business Interests 2023-2024


St. Peter’s LAC Documents 2022-2023

LAC Member Information 2022-2023

Summary of LAC Attendance 2022-2023

Summary of LAC Business Interests 2022-2023