Sports Premium

As a school we love being active! Through our PE and Sports Premium, we open doors for all our learners by offering them a wealth of exciting opportunities to engage in new sports and challenges; as well as taking part in regular competitions and enrichment activities. 

Our sporting adventures are designed to give learners all the opportunities they need to flourish and grow physically, morally, emotionally and socially; enabling all to achieve more than they dreamed possible.  

Primary School PE and Sport Funding 2023-2024


What is it?

The government is currently providing additional funding to improve provision of physical education (PE) and sport in primary schools.  This funding can only be spent on improving their provision of PE and sport in school, but each school has the freedom to choose the best ways to do this for their learners. This funding is guaranteed until 2025.


How much funding does St. Peter’s receive? 

In the academic year 2023-2024, St. Peter’s received £17,350. 


How does the school aim to use the PE and Sports Premium this year? 

  • To continue to further increase staff confidence and ability to teach high quality lessons and assess PE.
  • To create new assessment tool for PE to ensure continual progress in fundamental knowledge and skills.
  • To monitor the teaching, learning and assessment within PE lessons from Reception to Year 6.
  • To increase the number of children meeting the end of KS2 expectations in swimming.
  • To further support the PE co-ordinator’s skills in strategic management of PE.
  • To judge effectiveness and impact of sports funding spend and action plan.
  • To develop the outside area and lunchtime provision to promote health and well being
  • To encourage pupils to lead a healthy, active lifestyle outside of curriculum time.
  • To encourage pupils to travel to school in a healthy way.
  • To establish and embed forest schools into the school timetable.
  • To raise profile of physical activity within the school and wider community.
  • To increase the number of pupils who can attend competitions.






     How are we planning on spending this funding? 

What has been the impact of the PE and Sports Premium so far?